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3 Tips for Getting on Inc 5000 List of Fastest Growing Companies

December 21, 2022

5 minread

byCasey Clark

Casey Clark
Casey Clark

Business Advisor

As a business partner, he helps his clients get a holistic view of their financial health by slowing down to talk about numbers. Then, he breaks down even complex problems into one or two elements to help them break through their barriers of growth.

Cultivate CEO and Co-founder Casey Clark sat down with Cultivate’s Senior Business Advisor, Roy Flemming, to discuss how Cultivate landed on the inc 5000 list four years in a row and share three core commonalities of successful business growth.

For the 4th consecutive year, Cultivate Advisors has been named on Inc 5000’s List of Fastest Growing Companies. It’s an honor to be recognized on the Inc 5000 list with thousands of other small business owners. However, it is even more exciting to be featured with our community of owners, whom we have worked alongside to help them achieve this level of growth. 

Since 2013, Cultivate has had one mission; a world made better by entrepreneurs. Every year, thanks to a team of amazing advisors, we have been able to not only grow our business but help thousands of owners build the path toward their mission.

If you’ve ever wondered what it takes to get on the Inc 5000 List of Fastest Growing Companies, we’ve got some tips. Cultivate CEO, and Co-founder Casey Clark sat down with Cultivate’s Senior Business Advisor, Roy Flemming, to discuss the growth of Cultivate Advisors and the key commonalities of companies that have experienced significant growth.


Roy Flemming is an experienced entrepreneur and one of Cultivate’s top business advisors. In his time at Cultivate, he has helped multiple businesses achieve massive growth and has seen several of his clients land on the Inc 5000 list. With their combined experience, they have identified three core areas owners can focus on.

Niche In and Simplify your Product / Service

Narrowing your focus can help you fine-tune your brand and position your company for financial success. Cultivate has seen so much growth year-over-year by focusing on our core offering of 1:1 advising and creating a unique experience.

By niching down, you can remove distractions to focus more on the customer experience and journey. By creating a better customer experience, you’ll ultimately end up with lasting or repeat customers.

Create a Strong Company Culture

There is a direct correlation between company culture and business success. Building a great company culture is one of the most effective ways to keep employees engaged and the business moving forward.

Your culture is a direct reflection of your business. So as you grow, you want to ensure your team has the same values and goals to drive toward your mission.

Your employees will play a direct role in the perception of your business. To retain great employees, you need to consider your compensation structure and how to incorporate your values in your interview process. Make sure to hire people who believe in curating the vision and journey on which your company is built. By putting time and effort into building the right team, you help your small business stand out and make a lasting impression.

Make Data-Based Decisions

Data should dictate growth and drive the company. Learning to rely on data as the point of truth when decision-making allows you to remove the emotional attachment.

Using a data-driven approach can help you when navigating unanticipated challenges in the business or when rethinking strategies. It allows you to identify initiatives that aren’t showing ROI so that you can pivot and make changes faster.

Putting a concerted effort in these core areas and having a well-thought-out strategic plan for your business can lead you to exponential growth. 

If Inc 5000 is your goal, schedule a free two-hour session with Cultivate Advisors. We’ll help you dig into your business and develop a roadmap based on your company vision.


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