What to expect from our Price per Unit Calculator?
Often, companies have multiple widgets. We designed this tool to allow you to run an analysis on all of your products or services as, more often than not, it becomes obvious what is making you money and what is holding you back from making even more money.
To help you do this calculation, we have built 3 types of calculators — to help you calculate your pricing. We have one for products and two for professional services — one for flat-fee billing and another for hourly billing.
- Price-Per-Unit for a tangible product (PPU – Product). Use this one of if you sell a tangible product. Think clothes, software, or whatever your widget happens to be.
- Price-Per-Unit for professional services, billed as a flat-fee (PPU – Service Flat-Fee). Use this one if you sell a service, but bill it as a flat fee, such as a monthly recurring amount or a fixed package rate. Consulting services are sometimes billed like this to give the customer peace-of-mind.
- Price-Per-Unit for professional services, billed hourly (PPU – Service Hourly). Use this one if you sell a service, but bill it to your client based on your actual time committed. Most of the time, attorneys or accountants will bill for their time like this.