Business Advisor

Los Angeles, CA

Jason Infinger

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Expertise Areas

  • Leadership

  • Sales

Jason Infinger believes entrepreneurship is the future. As a seasoned entrepreneur himself, he uses his hard-earned expertise to help other founders overcome, lead and succeed.

After launching his first business at age 18, Jason went on to start a technology company that made wireless devices for the healthcare industry. His third business, a fitness franchise, gave him the opportunity to create a unique vision and mission, develop and lead a team, and design effective marketing strategies. After serving as a national sales director and business consultant, Jason founded his newest startup, a company that empowers parents and improves outcomes of families that have children diagnosed with autism.

Jason Infinger
Aside from helping owners slow down, focus, and make key strategy decisions, Jason also helps them conquer the mind games that often derail entrepreneurs.
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Having been in their shoes, Jason advises owners who wrestle with imposter syndrome and limiting self-beliefs. With empathy, he helps clients overcome fear, gain confidence and take the next steps.

Jason is passionate about guiding owners to challenge the status quo, grasp a growth mindset, and understand that leader is a verb, not a title. Being part of Cultivate allows Jason to pass on a wealth of resources and support from a pool of other experienced entrepreneurs. Like Jason, they agree that entrepreneurship has a big, bright future.

Effective leader, speaker, and advisor, Jason is also an amazing father to two sons. At home in Los Angeles, he is a creative giver who typically delivers experiences instead of gifts.

Aside from helping owners slow down, focus, and make key strategy decisions, Jason also helps them conquer the mind games that often derail entrepreneurs.Aside from helping owners slow down, focus, and make key strategy decisions, Jason also helps them conquer the mind games that often derail entrepreneurs.